Apply for an Amongst It Grant

Amongst It is here to celebrate and nurture South Australia’s love of nature. We’re a bright and beautiful state with striking natural beauty around us every day.

Amongst It is investing in a range of new, positive and creative ways to invite people to focus their attention, slow down and build everyday connection to the nature around us—in unexpected ways and places.

We’re asking the question: how can we provide more people with the opportunity to recognise their own connection with nature, whatever their context?


Applications are due by 5pm CST, Friday, 31 May 2019


  1. Undertake an activity or initiative that helps people feel closer or more connected to nature.

  2. Measure, with our support, how effective the event or activity may have been to shift people’s feelings of connection to nature or inspire them to take action to care for nature, and

  3. Include an element of the project where this story is shared with others.

In order to enable individuals, community groups and organisations to run these projects, we will allocate $20,000 of small grants in amounts from $500–$5000. We encourage creativity and invite experimental activities!

Required activities

  1. Flesh out your project by connecting with the Amongst It team, and/or using our resources (see “Successful Applications below”).

  2. Run at least one event, activity, experience or installation in South Australia that meets the above criteria before the end of 2019. However, longer timelines can be negotiated.

  3. Conduct 3–5 interviews with participants to learn how people responded to your event, and complete our reporting template to tell us what you learned.

  4. Attend a project sharing/feedback/storytelling session in early 2020.

Successful applications

  • Outline how you plan to meet the Amongst It Grant criteria above. To help you with that:

    • We strongly encourage you to attend our project development workshop: 10am–1pm, 14 May 2019 at the Joinery, Franklin St.

    • Check out this project development guide to help you develop your application.

  • We encourage you to have a specific location in mind to run the project, any ways in which your activity/installation would use this location, and if there are any permissions that may need to be obtained.

  • Indicate the proposed timing of your project.

  • Outline a rough budget for the funds you require.

Please also note

We are only able to give grants to organisations or individuals with an ABN. 

The ABN holder will be liable for any injuries or accidents that may occur during the course of your activity, so it is important to have appropriate insurance cover such as public liability.

If you don’t have an ABN or insurance, we suggest you consider partnering with a group or individual that does. If you have questions about this, please get in touch with Jill at

Decision making process

The grants will be administered by the Nature Conservation Society of South Australia (NCSSA). After the closing date, a panel of selected members from the Amongst It working group and an independent chair will determine the grant allocations.

The Amongst It working group is composed of representatives from the primary partners: the Department for Environment and Water, Conservation Council SA, NCSSA, and Hinterland Innovation.

Successful applicants can expect to receive a reply before Friday, 14 June 2019.

*The above banner image is used with the permission of Ngarrindjeri Elder Uncle Moogy of Tal-Kin-Jeri Dance Group ( whose project was sponsored by Amongst It in 2018.